My “Closed” Status Remains in Place.

Preliminary art for a punisher "Big Gun” commission sketch which later became an on-sale print.

Many emails requesting a wide array of things are arriving in my inbox and have prompted me to add a "Requests" status page to my menu bar.

Those who browsed my previous site version know that my SHOP page and various other pages were inactive while I concentrated on vacation plans. I didn't see a reason to carry those still-inactive pages over to this site, but now I'm thinking that a page noting the status of my various requests is a good idea after all. A current reminder that everything remains in that "closed" state.

If anything changes, or if I hang the OPEN sign on one of my doors, I'll note it here on the news page. As with the previous site, mailing list members will receive notifications first. Note that if you were on the previous mailing list, you'd need to re-subscribe here using the Subscribe button in the menu bar.



Marvel Character Live Appearances - 1976


The Captured Collectibles Signature Opp is a Wrap.